@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+# WizIO 2022 Georgi Angelov
+# http://www.wizio.eu/
+# https://github.com/Wiz-IO/wizio-pico
+from distutils.log import error
+import os
+from os.path import join
+from shutil import copyfile
+from colorama import Fore
+from pico import *
+from uf2conv import dev_uploader
+from SCons.Script import Builder
+bynary_type_info = []
+def do_copy(src, dst, name):
+ file_name = join(dst, name)
+ if False == os.path.isfile( file_name ):
+ copyfile( join(src, name), file_name )
+ return file_name
+def do_mkdir(path, name):
+ dir = join(path, name)
+ if False == os.path.isdir( dir ):
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+ except OSError:
+ print ("[ERROR] Creation of the directory %s failed" % dir)
+ exit(1)
+ return dir
+def ini_file(env): # add defaut keys
+ ini = join( env.subst("$PROJECT_DIR"), 'platformio.ini' )
+ f = open(ini, "r")
+ txt = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ f = open(ini, "a+")
+ if 'monitor_port' not in txt: f.write("\n;monitor_port = SELECT SERIAL PORT\n")
+ if 'monitor_speed' not in txt: f.write(";monitor_speed = 115200\n")
+ if 'lib_deps' not in txt: f.write("\n;lib_deps = \n")
+ if True == env.wifi:
+ if 'build_flags' not in txt: f.write("\n;build_flags = \n")
+ else:
+ if 'build_flags' not in txt: f.write("\nbuild_flags = -D PICO_CYW43_ARCH_POLL ; select wifi driver mode\n")
+ f.close()
+def dev_create_template(env):
+ ini_file(env)
+ src = join(env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir("framework-wizio-pico"), "templates")
+ dst = do_mkdir( env.subst("$PROJECT_DIR"), "include" )
+ do_copy(src, dst, "tusb_config.h")
+ if "freertos" in env.GetProjectOption("lib_deps", []) or "USE_FREERTOS" in env.get("CPPDEFINES"):
+ do_copy(src, dst, "FreeRTOSConfig.h")
+ if "VFS" in env.GetProjectOption("lib_deps", []) or "USE_VFS" in env.get("CPPDEFINES"):
+ do_copy(src, dst, "vfs_config.h")
+ if 'APPLICATION'== env.get("PROGNAME"):
+ if "fatfs" in env.GetProjectOption("lib_deps", []):
+ do_copy(src, dst, "ffconf.h")
+ dst = do_mkdir( env.subst("$PROJECT_DIR"), join("include", "pico") )
+ autogen_filename = join(dst, "config_autogen.h")
+ if False == os.path.isfile( autogen_filename ):
+ default_board = "pico.h"
+ autogen_board = env.BoardConfig().get("build.autogen_board", default_board )
+ f = open(autogen_filename, "w")
+ f.write("/* SELECT OTHER BOARD */\n")
+ f.write('#include "boards/{}"\n'.format(autogen_board))
+ f.close()
+ dst = join(env.subst("$PROJECT_DIR"), "src")
+ if False == os.path.isfile( join(dst, "main.cpp") ):
+ do_copy(src, dst, "main.c" )
+ if 'BOOT-2'== env.get("PROGNAME"):
+ dst = do_mkdir( env.subst("$PROJECT_DIR"), join("include", "pico") )
+ do_copy(src, dst, "config_autogen.h" )
+def dev_nano(env):
+ enable_nano = env.BoardConfig().get("build.nano", "enable") # no <sys/lock>
+ nano = []
+ if enable_nano == "enable":
+ nano = ["-specs=nano.specs", "-u", "_printf_float", "-u", "_scanf_float" ]
+ if len(nano) > 0: print(' * SPECS :', nano[0][7:])
+ else: print(' * SPECS : default')
+ return nano
+def dev_compiler(env, application_name = 'APPLICATION'):
+ env["FRAMEWORK_DIR"] = env.framework_dir
+ env.sdk = env.BoardConfig().get("build.sdk", "SDK") # get/set default SDK
+ env.variant = env.BoardConfig().get("build.variant", 'raspberry-pi-pico')
+ env.wifi = env.BoardConfig().get("build.WIFI", False )
+ print()
+ print( Fore.BLUE + "%s RASPBERRYPI PI PICO RP2040 ( PICO - %s )" % (env.platform.upper(), env.sdk.upper()) )
+ env.Replace(
+ BUILD_DIR = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR").replace("\\", "/"),
+ AR="arm-none-eabi-ar",
+ AS="arm-none-eabi-as",
+ CC="arm-none-eabi-gcc",
+ GDB="arm-none-eabi-gdb",
+ CXX="arm-none-eabi-g++",
+ OBJCOPY="arm-none-eabi-objcopy",
+ RANLIB="arm-none-eabi-ranlib",
+ SIZETOOL="arm-none-eabi-size",
+ ARFLAGS=["rc"],
+ SIZEPROGREGEXP=r"^(?:\.text|\.data|\.boot2|\.rodata)\s+(\d+).*",
+ SIZEDATAREGEXP=r"^(?:\.data|\.bss|\.ram_vector_table)\s+(\d+).*",
+ PROGSUFFIX=".elf",
+ PROGNAME = application_name
+ )
+ cortex = ["-march=armv6-m", "-mcpu=cortex-m0plus", "-mthumb"]
+ env.heap_size = env.BoardConfig().get("build.heap", "2048")
+ optimization = env.BoardConfig().get("build.optimization", "-Os")
+ stack_size = env.BoardConfig().get("build.stack", "2048")
+ print(' * OPTIMIZATION :', optimization)
+ if 'ARDUINO' == env.get("PROGNAME"):
+ if "freertos" in env.GetProjectOption("lib_deps", []) or "USE_FREERTOS" in env.get("CPPDEFINES"):
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(' * STACK :', stack_size)
+ print(' * HEAP : maximum')
+ else:
+ print(' * STACK :', stack_size)
+ print(' * HEAP :', env.heap_size)
+ #fix_old_new_stdio(env)
+ env.Append(
+ ASFLAGS=[ cortex, "-x", "assembler-with-cpp" ],
+ join("$PROJECT_DIR", "src"),
+ join("$PROJECT_DIR", "lib"),
+ join("$PROJECT_DIR", "include"),
+ join( env.framework_dir, "wizio", "pico"),
+ join( env.framework_dir, "wizio", "newlib"),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "include"),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "cmsis", "include"), #
+ ],
+ "PICO_HEAP_SIZE=" + env.heap_size,
+ "PICO_STACK_SIZE=" + stack_size,
+ ],
+ cortex,
+ optimization,
+ "-fdata-sections",
+ "-ffunction-sections",
+ "-Wall",
+ "-Wextra",
+ "-Wfatal-errors",
+ "-Wno-sign-compare",
+ "-Wno-type-limits",
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ "-Wno-unused-function",
+ "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable",
+ "-Wno-unused-variable",
+ "-Wno-unused-value",
+ "-Wno-strict-aliasing",
+ "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized"
+ ],
+ CFLAGS = [
+ cortex,
+ "-Wno-discarded-qualifiers",
+ "-Wno-ignored-qualifiers",
+ "-Wno-attributes", #
+ ],
+ "-fno-rtti",
+ "-fno-exceptions",
+ "-fno-threadsafe-statics",
+ "-fno-non-call-exceptions",
+ "-fno-use-cxa-atexit",
+ ],
+ cortex,
+ optimization,
+ "-nostartfiles",
+ "-Xlinker", "--gc-sections",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ "--entry=_entry_point",
+ dev_nano(env)
+ ],
+ LIBSOURCE_DIRS = [ join(env.framework_dir, "library"), ],
+ LIBPATH = [ join(env.framework_dir, "library"), join("$PROJECT_DIR", "lib") ],
+ LIBS = ['m', 'gcc'],
+ BUILDERS = dict(
+ ElfToBin = Builder(
+ action = env.VerboseAction(" ".join([
+ "$OBJCOPY", "-O", "binary",
+ ]), "Building $TARGET"),
+ suffix = ".bin"
+ )
+ ),
+ UPLOADCMD = dev_uploader
+ )
+ if False == env.wifi:
+ env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ "PICO_WIFI" ] )
+def add_libraries(env): # is PIO LIB-s
+ if "freertos" in env.GetProjectOption("lib_deps", []) or "USE_FREERTOS" in env.get("CPPDEFINES"):
+ env.Append( CPPPATH = [ join( env.framework_dir, "library", "freertos", "include" ), ] )
+ print(' * RTOS : FreeRTOS')
+ if "USE_FREERTOS" not in env.get("CPPDEFINES"):
+ env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ "USE_FREERTOS"] )
+ if "cmsis-dap" in env.GetProjectOption("lib_deps", []):
+ env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ "DAP" ], )
+def add_boot(env):
+ boot = env.BoardConfig().get("build.boot", "w25q080") # get boot
+ if "w25q080" != boot and "$PROJECT_DIR" in boot:
+ boot = boot.replace('$PROJECT_DIR', env["PROJECT_DIR"]).replace("\\", "/")
+ bynary_type_info.append(boot)
+ env.BuildSources( join("$BUILD_DIR", env.platform, "wizio", "boot"), join(env.framework_dir, "boot", boot) )
+def add_bynary_type(env):
+ add_boot(env)
+ bynary_type = env.BoardConfig().get("build.bynary_type", 'default')
+ env.address = env.BoardConfig().get("build.address", "empty")
+ linker = env.BoardConfig().get("build.linker", "empty")
+ if "empty" != linker and "$PROJECT_DIR" in linker:
+ linker = linker.replace('$PROJECT_DIR', env["PROJECT_DIR"]).replace("\\", "/")
+ if 'copy_to_ram' == bynary_type:
+ if "empty" == env.address: env.address = '0x10000000'
+ if "empty" == linker: linker = 'memmap_copy_to_ram.ld'
+ env.Append( CPPDEFINES = ['PICO_COPY_TO_RAM'] )
+ elif 'no_flash' == bynary_type:
+ if "empty" == env.address: env.address = '0x20000000'
+ if "empty" == linker: linker = 'memmap_no_flash.ld'
+ env.Append( CPPDEFINES = ['PICO_NO_FLASH'] )
+ elif 'blocked_ram' == bynary_type:
+ print('TODO: blocked_ram is not supported yet')
+ exit(0)
+ if "empty" == env.address: env.address = ''
+ if "empty" == linker: linker = ''
+ else: #default
+ if "empty" == env.address: env.address = '0x10000000'
+ if "empty" == linker: linker = 'memmap_default.ld'
+ env.Append( LDSCRIPT_PATH = join(env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "pico", "pico_standard_link", linker) )
+ bynary_type_info.append(linker)
+ bynary_type_info.append(env.address)
+ print(' * BINARY TYPE :' , bynary_type, bynary_type_info )
+ add_libraries(env)
+def dev_finalize(env):
+ env.BuildSources( join("$BUILD_DIR", env.platform, "wizio"), join(env.framework_dir, "wizio") )
+# SDK
+ add_bynary_type(env)
+ add_sdk(env)
+ env.Append(LIBS = env.libs)
+ dev_add_modules(env)
+ print()
+def dev_config_board(env):
+ src = join(env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir("framework-wizio-pico"), "templates")
+ dst = do_mkdir( env.subst("$PROJECT_DIR"), "include" )
+ if False == env.wifi:
+ print(" * WIFI : NO")
+ return
+ ### pico w board
+ else:
+ do_copy(src, dst, "lwipopts.h") # for user edit
+ env.Append(
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "lwip", "src", "include" ),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "cyw43-driver", "src" ),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "cyw43-driver", "firmware" ),
+ ],
+ )
+ ### pico wifi support
+ env.BuildSources(
+ join( "$BUILD_DIR", "wifi", "pico" ),
+ join(env.framework_dir, env.sdk),
+ [ "-<*>", "+<pico/pico_cyw43_arch>", "+<pico/pico_lwip>", ]
+ )
+ ### wifi spi driver & firmware
+ env.BuildSources(
+ join( "$BUILD_DIR", "wifi" , "cyw43-driver" ),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "cyw43-driver", "src" ),
+ [ "+<*>", "-<cyw43_sdio.c>", ] # remove sdio driver
+ )
+ ### LWIP: for add other files, use PRE:SCRIPT.PY
+ env.BuildSources(
+ join( "$BUILD_DIR", env.platform, "lwip", "api" ),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "lwip", "src", "api" ),
+ )
+ env.BuildSources(
+ join( "$BUILD_DIR", env.platform, "lwip", "core" ),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "lwip", "src", "core" ),
+ [ "+<*>", "-<ipv6>", ] # remove ipv6
+ )
+ env.BuildSources(
+ join( "$BUILD_DIR", env.platform, "lwip", "netif" ),
+ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "lwip", "src", "netif" ),
+ [ "-<*>", "+<ethernet.c>", ]
+ )
+ ### wifi firmware object
+ """
+ BUILD_DIR = env.subst( "$BUILD_DIR" )
+ do_mkdir( BUILD_DIR, "wifi" )
+ do_mkdir( join( BUILD_DIR, "wifi" ), "firmware" )
+ WIFI_FIRMWARE_DIR = join( BUILD_DIR, "wifi", "firmware" )
+ WIFI_FIRMWARE_OBJ = join( WIFI_FIRMWARE_DIR, "wifi_firmware.o" )
+ WIFI_FIRMWARE_BIN = join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "cyw43-driver", "firmware", "43439A0-" )
+ old_name = WIFI_FIRMWARE_BIN
+ old_name = '_binary_' + old_name.replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_').replace(':', '_').replace('-', '_')
+ cmd = [ "$OBJCOPY", "-I", "binary", "-O", "elf32-littlearm", "-B", "arm", "--readonly-text",
+ "--rename-section", ".data=.big_const,contents,alloc,load,readonly,data",
+ "--redefine-sym", old_name + "_start=fw_43439A0_7_95_49_00_start",
+ "--redefine-sym", old_name + "_end=fw_43439A0_7_95_49_00_end",
+ "--redefine-sym", old_name + "_size=fw_43439A0_7_95_49_00_size",
+ ]
+ env.AddPreAction(
+ join( "$BUILD_DIR", "wifi" , "cyw43-driver", "cyw43_bus_pio_spi.o" ), # TRIGER
+ env.VerboseAction(" ".join(cmd), "Compiling wifi/firmware/wifi_firmware.o")
+ )
+ print( " * WIFI : Compile Firmware Object" )
+ return
+ """
+ ### use pre-compiled wifi_firmware.o
+ print( " * WIFI : Firmware Object" )
+ env.Append( LINKFLAGS = [ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "cyw43-driver", "src", "wifi_firmware.o" ) ] )
+ return
+ ### use pre-compiled libwifi_firmware.a
+ print( " * WIFI : Firmware Library" )
+ env.Append( # AS LIB
+ LIBPATH = [ join( env.framework_dir, env.sdk, "lib", "cyw43-driver", "src" ) ],
+ LIBS = ['wifi_firmware']
+ )
+### Add & Compile not compiled sources with main builder
+###[INI] custom_modules =
+ $PROJECT_DIR/modules/MODULE_SCRYPT.py = parameters if need
+ $PROJECT_DIR/any_folder_with_py_scripts
+### example: MODULE_VERNO.py
+from os.path import join
+def module_init(env, parameter=''): # if parameter: string separated by space
+ name = "verno"
+ print( " *", name.upper() ) # just info
+ path = join( env.framework_dir, "sdk", "middleware", name)
+ env.Append( CPPPATH = [ join( path, "inc" ) ] )
+ env.BuildSources( join( "$BUILD_DIR", "modules", name ), join( path, "src" ) )
+from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
+# private
+def dev_load_module(filename, params, env):
+ name = 'module_' + str( abs(hash( filename )) )
+ m = SourceFileLoader(name, filename).load_module()
+ m.module_init( env, params )
+# public: call it at builder end
+def dev_add_modules(env):
+ #lines = env.BoardConfig().get("build.modules", "0")
+ lines = env.GetProjectOption("custom_modules", "0")
+ if '0' != lines:
+ print("Project Modules:")
+ for line in lines.split("\n"):
+ if line == '': continue
+ ### Cleaning the INI line
+ line = line.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "")
+ delim = '=' # for parameters
+ params = '' # from ini line
+ if delim in line:
+ params = line[ line.index( delim ) + 1 : ].strip() # remove delim and whitespaces
+ params = " ".join( params.split() ) # remove double spaces, params are separated by a space
+ line = line.partition( delim )[0].strip() # remove delim and whitespaces
+ module_path = env.subst( line ).strip().replace("\\", "/")
+ ### Loading
+ if False == os.path.exists(module_path):
+ print("[ERROR] MODULE PATH NOT EXIST: %s" % module_path)
+ exit(0)
+ if True == os.path.isdir( module_path ): # files in folder
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk( module_path ):
+ files = [ f for f in files if f.endswith(".py") ] # filter py files
+ for file in files:
+ dev_load_module( join(root, file), params, env)
+ else: # single file
+ dev_load_module( module_path, params, env)